Cromey Online

The writings of author, therapist, and priest Robert Warren Cromey.

Saturday, July 28, 2007

Words by Kilmer Myers and Emil Brunner

Christians are used to thinking with certain guidelines or laws like the Ten Commandments and the Sermon on the Mount. Those ideas are the bases for Christian morality. Others also have given us lists of similar items to think about. C. Kilmer Myers Bishop of California left office in 1979. He wrote that (Jesus) was the one program of the church. He quoted Kaseman, Perspectives on Paul, p. 53. (That is the only citation I have for this.) This appeared in the Pacific Churchnews, December 1979.

Who is Jesus? What did he want? In his own day?
1. He did not belong to the religious or social establishment.
2. He was neither a priest nor a theologian of his own day.
3. He was not with the rulers of his time –they in fact murdered him.
4. He possessed a unique faith and an astonishing intimate way of prayer.
5. He had an entirely new attitude toward God and humankind that infuriated the leadership of church and nation.
6. He proposed a radical change in the inner life of persons and institutions.
7. He put people and even animals ahead of laws.
8. He died (quite unlike Socrates, Buddha or Mohamed) a scandalous, senseless, brutal death abandoned by his friends and even God.
9. He was the only human person ever raised up from death to a new life beyond space and time thereby satisfying both.
10. He, a man, is like God, a mystery. Yet God indeed desired, willed, to become enfleshed in him.
11. As always he pointed a way from himself; he was for others.
12. 12 When all is said, when the assessments and appraisements are all in, he remains fathomless.

What did he want? Of me? You sisters and brothers, take it from here.

Love - +Kilmer

Emil Brunner, renowned Protestant theologian of the early twentieth century, said secular nations should be held to standards of order and conduct. These are:

1. The equal dignity of all human beings,
2. Respect for human life.
3. Acknowledgement of the solidarity for good and evil of all nations and races of the earth.
4. Respect for the pledged word.
5. Recognition that power of any kind, political or economic, must be coextensive with responsibility.

Would that the present incumbent had some theological knowledge to back up his alleged piety.


Blogger Toxicat said...

Hi Robert,
I'm new to the site so I hope I'm not posting in an embarrassing place!
I'm a priestess of Isis and, although you're probably aware of this detail, I feel compelled to point out that Jesus' name contains Hers: Esus, Iset, Eset, Ese - all Isis (non-Hellenized, of course)! And there is indeed reason to believe that H/he was Her disciple. Then again H/he may have gone on up to Tibet. (I practiced Tibetan Buddhism for years, as well.)
How's that for multiculturalism?!
How's that for *not uptight*? (Oh, we all know how sex-positive those Goddess worshipers were!)
So, I've been to your house!
Ann was my teacher at St. Rose and we were in touch "a few" years back.
I wanted to let you amazing people know my new book is up on Lulu:
If you read it I would be absolutely over the moon to read your review/s.
Ama Iset!
Serena (D. Rovetti, class of '85)

5:17 AM  

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