Cromey Online

The writings of author, therapist, and priest Robert Warren Cromey.

Wednesday, April 22, 2020


The greatest good for the greatest number is a basic ethical idea. We stay home and wear masks out of doors. That is the greatest good for the greatest number of people. - Put this on FB today.

A number of people in several states are protesting the shelter in place rules and mask wearing as invasions of privacy and invasion of the state on the freedom of religion.

It seems clear that the corona virus spreads when people congregate in large numbers. We have to balance the greatest good for the greatest number with individual freedom. We do have the freedom to make a choice. In the case of the virus, I think it is the duty of the state to enforce rules to prevent and andhalt the speed of the virus. I am for it.

Churches that violate the ban should be stopped from gathering large numbers of people who will spread the virus. Individual church practices that endanger the wider public should be prevented and stopped. The state is not interfering with religious beliefs but with gatherings which endanger the larger public, which are endangered by public gatherings of any sort.


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