Cromey Online

The writings of author, therapist, and priest Robert Warren Cromey.

Saturday, December 26, 2020


Dear Friends and Family,

I was properly chastised. I wrote something very rude about the present incumbent. My friend replied, “I wonder what my fellow Jew, Jesus, would say about that remark?”

We celebrate the birth of Jesus at this time of the year. He was born into a middle-class family. He was not the Christ, the Prince of Peace, the incarnate one or the Messiah until well after his death.

Jesus stood for feeding the hungry, healing the sick and seeking justice for the oppressed. He didn’t care about people’s sex lives, getting rich or making people Christians. 

This year of the epidemic has thrust the sick in front of all of our lives. Massive efforts by medical professionals, states and businesses have hurtled into action caring for the sick, suffering and dying. I won’t mention the role of the Federal government.

At this season of the birth of Jesus, I like to reflect on what we know of his life and work. He was direct and clear in speech. He illustrated his points with vivid stories like the prodigal son and good Samaritan. He was an artist.  He saw people sick and he healed them. He welcomed the outcasts and the marginal.

He chided the rulers of religion and the government. He spoke out. We can and do that in our country.

Ann and I have flourished while we stay at home. Ann shops, I cook. Ann reads way more than I do. I watch good TV more than I used to. I write in my journal every day and have a wide correspondence. Ann takes online classes at the Fromm Institute and visits friends on Zoom. We do zoom church on Sundays. Except for no travel and fewer dinner guests, life remains about the same for us. We are grateful for our good health.

With Love,

Robert and Ann

3839 20th Street San Francisco, CA  94114

Here is what I want for Christmas

  1. Black lives will really matter
  2. Life will get better for immigrants
  3. Life will get better for poor and struggling Americans.
  4. There will be homes for the homeless.
  5. Americans will respect those with different religious and sexual practices and political views.
  6. All people commit to climate change action
  7. A time when we can all meet again in person.


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