Cromey Online

The writings of author, therapist, and priest Robert Warren Cromey.

Sunday, August 10, 2014


Magic in the Moonlight is at SF’s Clay theatre. The themes are vintage Woody Allen; God, meaning of life, death, the mystery of existence, universe and human nature. Get friends or parishioner to go see the move and have a discussion after word on those topics.

Colin Firth’s character Stanley is a magician, skeptic and believes in only what is scientifically evident. The Emma Stone character, Sophie (Wisdom) is a medium. He comes to believe she is a true medium and there is something beyond human logic. He smells the roses, becomes happy and lighthearted and falls in love with Sophie.

While never deeply convinced, he sees that love, friendship and forgiveness are not items of rationality but are magic, illusion and faith, which are necessary to enjoy the fullness of life. Stanley only feels, happy, light-hearted and sensory aware during the time he believes.

The interesting, very funny story, dialogue and acting present a parable of the deeper dimensions of human life.


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