My grandson Eric graduated
from Johns Hopkins last Wednesday. His sister Mary Charlotte works at Mass. Gen.
Hosp. Jessica’s son Caleb is a workingman and so is Daniel, Leigh’s son.
Catherine Leigh’s youngest is the last of the college student grandchildren –
at Boston University.
Ann’s Mormon brother Bryson
attended a conference on urban life here in SF. He resided on the floor of our
flat for three nights so he could spend time with us in the mornings and
evenings instead of at a hotel. Last night he treated us to dinner at a nearby
Italian restaurant, La Ciccia, which had splendid and tasty food and wine. He
spent his Mormon Mission in Italy and learned to love the Italian food and
culture. Ann and Bryson’s sister Beau and her daughter Emi joined us. It is
nice to have him here but I have to watch my language and limit my feeling up
of Ann and curb my Manhattans. Those Mormons are a bit Puritanical.
I enjoy my new exercise
trainings very much. I am rather surprised. I now have a series of exercises to
do at home. We’ll see how much I enjoy doing those. Am I supposed to cry tears
every time he gives me a new torture?
Ann has been working on her
travel memoir with the delightful working title Vagabond Virgins. It recounts how Ann and Beau in their twenties
travelled by themselves around the mid-east doing their best to preserve their
virginity. Mormons are supposed to do that. If you want to know if they succeeded
you’ll have to buy the book. Ann
describes nature with lovely picture-words, delightful events and interesting
fellow travelers. She is starting this weekend on the second draft.
I continue to work on the
memoir of my retirement years. The longer I live the longer it gets. I retired
from Trinity 14 years ago. My working title is Joy Years. Chapters include, Brain Massage, Health, Geezer Sex,
Money, Ageing, Children, Grandchildren, Travel and Death.
Ann and I are planning to go
to week long writer’s workshop at Esalen in late June. That should perk up our
writing skills.
I finally finished Virginia
Wolfe’s To the Lighthouse. I am glad I read it. Nothing much happens in terms
of action. It is mostly the inner dialogue of Mrs. Ramsay and later Lila. It
does have beautiful descriptions of nature, flowers and the sea and sky. Over
the weekend I’ll find a new book to launch into.
I am also half way through A History of European Art. It is eight
CDs of lectures and illustrations of artists, paintings and sculpture from
Giotto to Picasso. When I get through with those, I’ll view the CDs of American
Art. Each lecture is 30 minutes long. I find the lectures and the art works
quite wonderful.
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