Cromey Online

The writings of author, therapist, and priest Robert Warren Cromey.

Friday, June 03, 2011


Believe it or not there has been a long standing Non-violent movement among Palestinians. Not all in that country approve of violence to counter Israeli oppression and brutality. Here are some items I gleaned from websites reporting on non-violence in Palestine and Israel.

“Perhaps that is why recently many nonviolent activists and initiatives have been shut down and repressed. Jamal Juma, Muhammad Othman and Abdallah Abu Rahman may not be household names like Gandhi or Mandela but they have been just as consistent in resisting Israel's illegal segregation wall in the West Bank by organising nonviolent demonstrations for years. And, like Gandhi and Mandela they have paid a price by being arrested on multiple occasions.

Sadly, the same leaders who call on Palestinians to abandon violence have been silent in the face of Israeli repression. By condemning violent Palestinian resistance while remaining silent in the face of Israeli crackdowns and political arrests, they are simply endorsing violence against civilians by one side instead of the other.
The United States should take the lead in condemning Israeli repression of nonviolent dissent, just as they would in Iran, Burma or apartheid South Africa, because nonviolent dissent is not only a critical part of the Palestinian struggle but it is an American value as well.”

Yousef Munayyer, Friday 21 May 2010 13.30 BST
Article history

Palestinian Non-Violence

I recently came across articles detailing Palestinian non-violent protests. It's amazing how little coverage they have.

Here are some links:
Foreign Policy
The Economist
From Occupied Palestine
Business Insider
UN Dispatch


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