The Fundamental Question
Fundamental Question
Here is a new question that must be faced by the Episcopal Church.
An Episcopal Bishop has issued a pastoral directive to a gay
married priest in her diocese. She says you must have sex only with your
Presumably, this is the vow straight people make when they
marry. “To keep thee only unto her…” Is
that really supposed to refer to homosexual people also?
The homosexual world including clergy have had a different
culture for thousands of years since, they were illegals and also forbidden to
marry. Some LGBT people today think they should marry with the same agreement
of single monogamy as straight people.
Other LGBT people have lived in a culture that condones partners to be
sexual with others where there is mutual agreement to do so. To be clear, many
partners mutually agree to allow their partners and themselves to be sexual
with others.
The traditional straight Christians vow to strict monogamy
was to ensure that the children born of the woman were the legitimate offspring
of the husband. This had to do with inheritance of estates, money and lines of
authority for royalty. It had nothing to do with the solidity, moral or sexual
purity of the relationship between husband and wife. Married men and women from
Biblical and times immemorial have had lovers other than their spouses.
Homosexual clergy today may marry their partners. The church
and the culture must go the next step in recognizing that LGBT people are not
EXACTLY like straight people. Views are different when it comes to the
definition of monogamy. Monogamy means the vow that “I will be with you forever
AND we may choose to be with other sexual partners when there is mutual consent
to do so.” Adultery is when one enters into other sexual relationships WITHOUT
the other partner’s consent.
The church has entered a new world since it has allowed
homosexual clergy and same sex marriages. Look at the changes we have already
made. In Biblical times, polygamy was practiced among ancient Jews; think Kings
Saul, David and Solomon. Today in Africa priests of the Anglican Communion have
multiple wives. I dare say that some
Anglican and Episcopal Clergy engage in open marriages where with mutual
permission, each partner may have sex with other partners. Blacks and whites
may marry each other. We allow divorced clergy to remarry, where it was
unthinkable fifty years ago.
In the 1920s the Episcopal General Convention decried birth
control. In the 1930s the church said it was a responsible action for married
people. Abortion is now approved under strict circumstances. Homosexuals are
now free to be themselves, and LGBT people may marry. We need to look forward
to new ways of regarding marriage.
It is interesting that the Episcopal Church has never taken
a stand on pre-marital sex, sex for divorced people, sex for unmarried homosexuals
or masturbation
We need to look straight in the eye the fact that homosexuals,
now set free, bring cultures and differences that challenge traditional
straight people’s views of what constitutes the vows in a marriage.
The Reverend Robert Warren Cromey
Robert Warren Cromey
Copyright 2013
All Rights Reserved
I think you speak the truth. When you address these issues, they seem simple in the best sense of that word. When many clergy and others address them, their take seems simplistic.
Everyone is different, and, as long as they aren't hurting anyone, not only doesn't it matter, it adds richness to our world.
I speak only for myself, but my sex life is no one's business. To quote Jimmy Durante: "Why can't everybody leave everybody else the hell alone." I suspect anyone reading this is smart enough to know Jimmy and I are talking about people who poke into other peoples' private lives--not people who offer loving, non-judgmental help recognizing that it can be refused without acrimony.
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