Cromey Online

The writings of author, therapist, and priest Robert Warren Cromey.

Wednesday, June 22, 2022


 I agree with the majority of the Supreme Court loosening the wall that separates the church and the state. I certainly don’t want any government interfering with the practice of religion. I also think religious  people and bodies should criticise and organise against the government. (6/21/22)

The Baptists and Methodists brought about making alcohol illegal in the 1920s. They had the right to do it. The American people rose up and got congress. to repeal the hated prohibition legislation.

Most Americans have a religious bent. Separation of church and state does not mean separation of religion from society. Having a Creche or a Menorah in a public place or school is not an attempt to establish a religion. Religious symbols are not a threat to society. They are part of American society.

Using tax payers’ money to help religious schools is not establishing religion. It is acknowledging that religion is part of American society. It does not lead to establishing an American religion.

Public education in the United States is poorly funded. It is in the worst condition it has ever been. The Catholic school system rose from poorly educated nuns and priest running them. Their teachers and administrators are now well educated, fairly well paid, professionals. Funding those schools can augment and improve education in the public schools.

Helping to improve public education by assisting Catholic, Jewish or Muslim schools is not establishing a religion. It does not mean we have state religion like in Spain, England and Israel. Helping religious schools is a way of improving American education.


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