Cromey Online

The writings of author, therapist, and priest Robert Warren Cromey.

Monday, September 26, 2022


 What Good is Prostitution?

I think prostitution should be made legal.

I am a liberal Christian, an Episcopalian all of my 91 years. Christians can usually be counted on to be against all sex before marriage. Prostitution has always seemed at odds with Christian morals and ethics.

Prostitution has always existed in human life. The oldest profession is a righteous appellation. It seems be part of the creation. The creator of the universe brought it into being, like homosexuality or heterosexuality. It is neither good or bad it just is.

Jesus famously dined with prostitutes. He never disclaimed it. However, prostitution was made sinful from the earliest beginnings of the church. We need to change that.

Our story is that God enfleshed himself in human history in the man Jesus. Human physical life is holy, sacred and full of pleasure.

The pursuit of pleasure is good and beautiful. Men and women selling their bodies for providing sexual pleasure is a good activity. It provides relaxation, enjoyment, ecstasy, intimacy, a sense of worth and a connection to ones self and another.

Certainly there are negative aspects to prostitution. Children and adults being forced, without their consent is one. Possibility of communicating disease and unwanted pregnancy is another. 

I think prostitution should be made legal. It epitomises the virtues of capitalism. Prostitution  fills a need that many men and women have for sex. Prostitutes are independent entrepreneurs. They avoid taxes. They do marketing, set their own prices and enjoy their profits.

Bordellos should be legal businesses. They protect women who choose to be prostitutes. They provide food, shelter, health care, lodging and safety.

I believe this is a new Christian attitude that needs proclaiming.


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