Cromey Online

The writings of author, therapist, and priest Robert Warren Cromey.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Asking for What You Want

Blind Bartimaeus is in Mark’s gospel. He shouts begs and pleads for Jesus to hear and see him. Jesus heals him.

1. My friend John is mad at God for Sally’s death that was slow and painful. How could a good God allow her to suffer so much pain?

John never nurtured his faith and religion. He worshipped his football watching instead. He did not nurture his faith in praise, the sacraments and thanksgiving.

When the crisis came he was ill quipped to handle his wife’s death. He blamed God. He has a childish notion of God.

2, Prayer is asking for what you want. Ask and ask and ask again maybe you’ll get it maybe you won’t. NO is an answer to prayer

Asking for what you want in prayer depends on your ability to be thankful. People who pray, worship and are grateful are best prepared for suffering, pain and sorrow.

3. Personal Relationships. You are entitled to ask or what you want. You are not entitled to get it. You get more from your partner if the relationship is nurtured with praise and thanksgiving. You will get more than what you ask for.

4. We will be asked for our pledge of money this fall at our parish. Thanksgiving is the motive for our giving – for our parish, our community and all the gifts given to us our, life, our eyes and all we have that we did not earn.

5. We need to keep on asking for healing and health insurance for all Americans.

6. Keep on asking, keep on being grateful. And let God’s will be done.


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