Cromey Online

The writings of author, therapist, and priest Robert Warren Cromey.

Tuesday, December 12, 2023


Advent Joys

Death, Judgement, Heaven and Hell.

In Advent we think of the last things. To the above list we add the end of history.

We all know that we have the capacity to destroy the earth with the nuclear bomb. That is quite possible.

The kingdom of God means that God will be in charge at the end of history, whether human made or not. I am comforted by that. But what of the other last things?

Death. We all will die. The darts and bullets of pain I have already felt by the death of my daughter Jessica last year. I am ready to die, but I don’t want to. I am not afraid of death.

Judgement. I no longer believe that I will be judged by God for my many sins. God is not standing at pearly gates dispensing judgement. I am forgiven already by the life, death and resurrection of Jesus.

Heaven. I have the “the sure and certain hope” of some life after I die. I have no idea what heaven looks like. I hope it is some life with a loving God.

Hell. Hell is the but of many jokes and cartoons, showing our anxiety and worry that our sins are counted up and that we will live in everlasting torment. I do not believe in the cliche, life on earth is our hell. I don’t believe in hell.

I live by the Christian story. It makes no difference whether or not it is historical or based on true events. It is a way of looking at life and living my life. I have lived with the story all of my life.

-Robert Warren Cromey


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