Tuesday, August 20, 2013
It all began last August 22nd
with simple left knee replacement surgery. I had the right one done 20 years
ago and it went well and I was up and at ‘em again in a month or two, I think.
The surgery at the California Medical Center by Dr. Christopher Cox was routine
this time too. I was up the next day doing exercises and walking very
carefully. Ann was there of course and some visitors came by even though I had
forbidden such. So much for my persuasive power. I wasn’t eating which was odd
for me. My vital signs were fine but I began not feeling well. I desperately
wanted to go home. Ann did not think it a good idea, but I persuaded the doctors
to let me go. Ann of course knew what was the right thing to do, but my
know-it-all arrogance won the day and ruined our night.
After being at home for a night
Ann and friend Jamie demanded I return to the hospital. My plumbing department
had completely shut down. Very little in and nothing out. After four more days
in the hospital over the Labor Day weekend, I returned home again. But not until
after doctors and nurses had performed unspeakable activities to get my
plumbing working again.
I was incredibly weak and
washed out – in more ways than one. Thirty pounds had drifted away. I spent the
next several weeks in bed or sitting up in a chair. I even subscribed to the
daily N.Y. Times to give me some more reading matter I could stand. There were
a number of trips back and forth to the doctors.
Wonderful Ann took over the
shopping and cooking, which I had done for the 291/2 years of our marriage. She
is a fine cook but rather slow. Impatient I therefore, did most of the
cooking. Ann had a little trouble at
Safeway. One day she met old friend Burton Weaver at the store. He sent me an
email saying she looked so lost and confused when they met. She indicated that
was indeed true. But she did valiantly. We ate better than ever. She got me
water, things I needed when I had left them in another room, ran errands and
was so loyal and loving while I just grouched away.
I recovered slowly enough
that in February we went on a cruise from San Diego to Puerto Vallarta, Mexico,
for a week. Ann was busy at the gym and I read a lot. I self-righteously
commented on the number of fat people on the ship and there were plenty. It was
a pleasant trip but again I was glad to get home.
I had a urinary complication
and had to return to the urologist, Dr. Roderick Rodgers. He reamed out my
urethra to get me flowing properly and wondrously.
Then in May I visited my
internist, Gary Feldman, MD, because I became much too tired when climbing our
43 steps up to our flat. He sent me to the emergency room at CPMC for treatment
for an Atrial Fibrillation of my heart. The cardiologist assigned was Anna Beyer,
MD. I was in the hospital all of one day, overnight and all the next day before
I got the electric shock to get my heart going again properly. I like to say
they electrocuted me into normality. This was the first heart problem I had
ever had. Ann of course was worried but was again so loving and supportive with
yet again another problem of mine.
Well, we are not finished
yet. Ophthalmologists have been watching glaucoma in my eyes for several years.
My right eye needed work. On June 18th Dr. Scott So did a number on
my eye to lessen the pressure that was damaging the nerve in that eye. There
was no pain but I had to take it easy for a while and no swimming for fear of
Since I can’t walk very far
and then could not swim I was bereft of any real exercise except for repetitive
exercises for my knee, which I hate to do. I was sure to become a blimp. Not,
so, as I don’t eat as much as I used to my weight has remained steady just
below 200 lbs. Well here it is August 20 just short of a years since this saga
began. My left knee continues to heal
but it is not done yet.
Thank you my dearest Ann. You
have no idea how much you contributed to my healing as wells as my joy.