Sermon for Oct. 4, 2015
Genesis 2
Genesis is a story. It is not
history or biology.
Imagine an old Jewish man, may be a rabbi four or
five thousand years ago. See him talking with a group of children. A kid raises
his hand and asks, “Who made the animals?” The old man tells a story, Out of
the ground the Lord God formed every animal of the field and every bird of the
air and brought them to the man to see. God brought them to the man and told
the man to give them a name. That’s an eagle, that’s a canary, that’s a wolf,
that’s a crocodile, that is a rabbit. So all the animals got their name.
Remember this is an ancient
story. It is not anthropology, sociology or biology. This is story.
Today we have the blessing of
the animals. St. Francis of Assissi, used to talk to he birds and loved and respected
all the animals. Fr. Richard will bless any animals you brought to church
But there is more to the
story. The children ask, “Where did mommy come from?” The old rabbi responds
saying the man after naming the animals took a nap. You know what God did? He
took a rib out of the man and made it into a woman like your mommy.
This story may satisfy young
children and has down through the ages. Children today would question the story
by the time they got to fourth grade.
We need to look more deeply
into the story.
The story was told by a man.
Woman was created third. Fist the man, then the animals and finally the woman.
The story comes from a powerful patriarchal tradition. Men were seen as having
power over women, women were second class citizens. Most of us see men and
woman as equals. We see that women can do things men can do. Fight in the
military, run major corporations and be doctors and lawyers. Women are still
emerging. Growing stronger in their
rights for equal pay, status and recognition.
We can be proud that our
Episcopal Church has women deacons, priests Bishops and even the Presiding
Bishop. But when it comes to getting a job as a rector of a church. Most
vestries still choose men over women.
Jesus was an advocate for
In the gospel story Jesus
condemns divorce. “What God has joined together let no man put asunder.”
Jesus knew that if a man
divorced his wife, she would be destitute, have no means of support and would
likely be begging in the streets. A man could divorce his wife, but a woman
could not divorce her husband. The man owned her, the money and the property.
She and her children would have nothing.
Jesus wide compassion forbade
divorce for men in his day because of its harrowing effect on women.
And that’s the way with
Jesus. He is compassionate and calls on the world, each of us, all of us to
that Christ like Compassion.
For the Hungry, Sick,
homeless and immigrants in the United States and those fleeing Syria.