Advice for the Newly Ordained.
Love the members of your congregation. You won’t like
some of them. Thank them regularly and often for what they do. People yearn to
be thanked and acknowledged.
Write them emails and/or notes when they do something
important or just thoughtful.
Make sure the liturgy is graceful, sacred and fun.
When you preach, do not do Bible Study in the pulpit.
Get a major point from scripture. Illustrate it, make it concrete and apply it
to the listener’s life. Tell stories. Say things about yourself. Listen to and
critique other preachers. That is an excellent way to improve your own
preaching. Read a book about preaching. Better yet, write one.
People love to be asked to help. Ask them.
Learn to enjoy asking for money. People don’t give if
they are not asked.
Avoid unnecessary meetings.
When leading, be prepared and keep them brief.
Do ONE thing in and for the Diocese. Don’t let it suck
you dry.
Do not let your spiritual life wreck your social
Pray the way you can, not the way you can’t
Your number one priority is your family.