Cromey Online

The writings of author, therapist, and priest Robert Warren Cromey.

Wednesday, January 17, 2018


Sexual Koans by Ikkyu, 15th Century Zen Master
Copper Canyon Press 1989, Port Townsend, WA

sexual love’s attachment pain is deeper than I can know
wind soothes my thoughts this lust my ceaseless koan impossible happy

all koans just lead you on
but not like delicious pussy I go down on

thirsty you dream of water cold you want fire
Not me I want the firm warm breasts and wetness of a woman

her mouth played with my cock
the way a cloud plays with the sky

night plum blossoms spreading under a ranch
between her thighs narcissus revolves smell it?

a crazy lecher shuttling between whorehouse and bar
this past master paints east west with his cock

don’t hesitate get laid that’s wisdom
sitting around chanting what crap

sick all I can think of is love and fucking the love song
hums in my groin listen my hair’s white wild grasses uncut on my meadow

I’d sniff you like a dog and taste you
then kiss your other mouth endlessly if I could white hair or not

Lin-chi’s followers don’t know Zen I the Blind Donkey do
my tongue and gentle fingers thick hard cock
one autumn’s night’s a thousand centuries

in deep winter I wrote poem get drunk the cup’s
heavier moon
whispering all night even at sixty I’m hard in her again

the crow’s caw is ok but a night with a lovely whore
opened a wisdom deeper than what the bird said

who brought these fish sizzling in the pan I’ll never stop
about women white hair lust sings through my body weeds

a beautiful woman’s hot vagina’s full of love
I’ve given up trying to put out the fire of my body

how is my hand like Mori’s?
It’s her freedom I love when I’m sick she makes me hard
fingers lips rove everywhere bring my followers joy

I remember one quiet afternoon she fished out my cock
bent over played with it in her mouth for at least an hour

Once when she was cooking I kneeled put my head
between her dark legs
up her skirt kissed and licked and sucked her until she came

she’d play with it almost anywhere day and night
touch it with the deepest part of herself

and the night inside you rocking
smelling the odor of your thighs is everything

plum blossoms close to the ground her dak place opens
wet with the dew of her passion wet with the lust of my tongue

whte haired priest in his eighties
Ikkyu still sings aloud each night to himself to the
because she gave herself freely
her hands her mouth her breasts her long moist thighs

I still worry about how I look my dry white hair oh

age wanting to fuck but I’ll sing no matter what.

Monday, January 15, 2018

MLK, jr, 2018

Martin Luther King, Jr. Holliday

Here is my limited personal contact with Dr. King. In March of 1965 Dr. King invited clergy from all over the United States to come to Selma, Alabama.  A march from Selma to Montgomery, Alabama was interrupted by state troopers beating and chasing black marchers. They were marching in protest for the killing of a black man. The beatings and mayhem were reported in national and international media.

About 500 clergy descended on Selma in early March. Six of us from the Bay Area went. The one’s I remember are Cecil Williams, a Methodist. The late Bill Grace, a Presbyterian, the late Don Ganoung, Lane Barton and I, Episcopalians. There may have been more.

In Selma, it was like an alumni day of The General Theological Seminary in New York, I met so many old friends. The Bishop of California, my bishop, James Albert Pike, also showed up.

Walking along side on the Brown Chapel in Selma, I ran into Dr. King and Ralph Abernathy. We shook hands and passed some greetings. They were in a hurry. That evening we crowded into the Brown Chapel for singing and listened to Dr. King speak for about fifteen minutes. His speech was stunning and inspirational stirring us to action. He was interrupted and left the church. The stunned audience was told someone had been attacked and injured.

The next day we discovered that the Rev. James Reeb, a Unitarian minister, was beaten by white thugs outside a restaurant and died later in a hospital. Later that evening, Dr. King called off the march for a day and many of us went home.

Weeks later in San Francisco, I heard King speak at Temple Emmanuel at a fund-raising event. Of course, I listened to him speak on the radio and on TV. I especially remember seeing and hearing him give the I have a Dream speech in Washington, D.C. I am glad I heard him a couple of times in person.

To me he reawakened the feelings of outrage that Black Americans were treated as second class citizens. Their voting was curtailed, especially in the south. They had to sit in the back of the bus, were refused service at restaurants, movies, theaters and even toilet facilities. I remember to this day the feelings of outrage I felt when in a bus depot in Washington, D.C. I saw toilets marked Colored Women, White Ladies, Colored Men, White Men. I met black college professors who were furious because they were forced to ride in the back of the bus. I met black men and women who had to drive for hours and hours because they could not find toilet facilities. In small towns and rural areas. The toilets were for whites only. Schools and colleges were segregated. Tax paying blacks could not attend all white state supported universities.

I remember prelates of the Episcopal Church saying I believe in the goals of the civil rights movement but not the methods. Dr. King believed in non-violence peaceful demonstrations. Those methods provoked white leaders and police into violent. King spoke against those clergy who said white people need more time to get used to desegregation. King’s letter from a Birmingham jail asked, “When would be a good time?”

Thank God King came along and roused the country to fight the injustice of segregation. The laws have changed, yes, and that is a very good thing. But the deep underlying prejudice against people of color still slashes at justice for African Americans.

Wednesday, January 03, 2018


Free enterprise medicine has not provided health care to the poor and disenfranchised.

Free Enterprise Construction and Real Estate have not provided places to live for millions of people in the U.S. and around the world.

Free Enterprise Farms and Food Distributors have not provided food for millions of starving people in the U.S. and around the world.

Only governments are rich and powerful enough to provide programs that can feed the hungry and provide housing for the un-housed. Only governments can end the systems that cause the inequities that make so many people in need in this country and around the world.

Republicans believe the free market, left unfettered by government regulation, will help everyone in the long run. Democrats believe that government has a duty to care for peoples’ needs.

Neither have solved the problems of the sick, the hungry and the homeless.

Cooperation between government and private enterprise could go a long way in caring or the sick and needy of the country and world. In our severely divided country it is hard to see such joint ventures even discussed.

I read of one thinker that said people had no right to water. Technically, I suppose he is right. Morally, he shows no compassion.

The great moral teachings of the Bible are ignored. Few people know or read the complex Biblical narratives. Teaching the Bible in schools are often forbidden. Teaching the Bible as literature is allowed but not used much in public schools.

The pulpits of churches and synagogues have failed to preach and live the teachings of the Bible on caring for the sick, the widows, orphans, prisoners, offering hospitality, welcoming strangers, and striving for justice. Many Christians are not even aware that the Bible mentions those issues.