Cromey Online

The writings of author, therapist, and priest Robert Warren Cromey.

Monday, April 30, 2018


Protect Freedom of the Press from the attacks from the president. Pay for subscriptions to newspapers, magazines and all media.

Monday, April 23, 2018


I agree that helping people help themselves is a fine way to move disadvantaged people off direct payments for food and homes. We have a homeless camp outside our church of St. John the Evangelist in the Mission. We have the Gubbio Project in our church where homeless people sleep on mats on the floor of our parish. Many if not all have alcohol and drug problems. Some are seriously mentally and physically ill. Many are unemployable and untrainable. There are many complex reasons so many people are homeless and poor. Some direct payments for the care of basic human needs are necessary.

Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Quiet time is highly overrated. The emphasis on spirituality particularly during the last twenty years has urged meditation and quiet as ways of knowing God. My belief is that people are so different that many fail at these two methods of devotion. I was taught to meditate in seminary, in courses on meditation and on retreats. It never worked for me. I fell asleep, yearned for an end to the session or just got bored. Numbers of my parishioners testified to similar reactions.  Jamie Wright in TCC April 11, 2018, calls herself a bad Christian because she cannot find quiet in her busy life as wife and mother. The spirituality movement emphasizing quiet may cause guilt in some people and may turn them off from the church. I trust that God will find me in the turmoil of life and work.

Robert Warren Cromey
Episcopal Priest retired and living in San Francisco

3839 20thSt.
San Francisco, CA 94114