The Reformation
-Diarmaid MacCulloch
(See him on Wikipedia)
Penguin Books 2005
This powerful book “should become the definitive history of the Reformation.” We get a vivid picture of the major players of the Protestant reformation and the Counter-Reformation of the Roman Church. There is no bashing of Rome or the Protestants. They both had great faults and great wisdom.
Over sixty years ago in seminary we studied Erasmus, Luther, Zwingli and Calvin and Henry VIII. We read about the popes and the problems of the Roman Church. Reading this book brings memories, new insights and wonderful fresh biographies of the all the major figures. MacCulloch depicts the brave virtues and ghastly faults of the reformation figures.
Zwingli was a pacifist and died a warrior in a ferocious war. Luther was a great theologian but urged the Peasants Revolt ended by slaughter. Various popes sought to preserve Roman faith by massacres of perceived heretics.
There is also a discussion of the Renaissance, the reformation, humanism and science. The debates about the real presence, purgatory, indulgences, sacraments are presented fairly and often with humour.
The importance of the printing press and how information spread for the first time history. The discussions of the entanglement of religion and politics, the apocalypse, the Kingdom of God and a just society are so clear and simplified. Not simple but written in language we can understand.
There are wonderful sections on love and sex, sodomy, celibacy, manners and the family. There is the movement toward choices in religion. We have those choices today but it was a long time coming.
Those with an interest in history, religion and society will enjoy and learn from The Reformation. It isa book to be read carefully by people willing to learn lots more about what we think we know about Catholics, Protestants, Anglicans, the Eastern Orthodox and Jewish history during these years. I realised how little I knew or even understood about those years and their affect on our lives today
I read it on my iPad because of my poor eye sight. The real book is solid and an endless resource, encyclopaedia and reference. I bought the book just to keep around and dip into.