Cromey Online

The writings of author, therapist, and priest Robert Warren Cromey.

Friday, July 10, 2020


The SF Chronicle published my letter

The Supreme Court says RC institutions may not have to provided birth control teaching or procedures. Too Bad. That great old church’s sex-negative stance is the root of its deep problems. No birth control, no sex outside of marriage, no marriage for priests, no abortion and no homosexuality. A great church is locked in trying to control human sexuality.


A friend replied:

Thu, Jul 9, 2:07 PM 

Christian religion's prepossession with sexual mores is the very sort of obsession with rules and regulations that Jesus condemned in the Pharisees. Based on, among other things, my recent reading of the whole of Paul's Letter to the Church at Rome, he, or those who subsequently interpreted his writings, is largely to blame for this futile attempt to dictate human sexuality. So, Paul, "get a life", as St. John saith, if we say we have no sin we deceive ourselves.

Friday, July 10, 2020

I replied to my friend:

Poor St. Paul. He never intended his moral teachings to be universal laws. They were written to handle  specific issues that arose in the communities he founded. Augustine, Aquinas and Calvin added to the sex control.



Monday, July 06, 2020

Boycott Israeli Products

Dear Friends at Netflix,

Last evening I watched an episode of you delightful program Lillyhammer.

A man and woman were humiliated and endangered be cause she supported boycotting Israeli imported wine. The show continued with the main character approving the Israeli wine. Finland is one of many countries, which boycott Israeli products because of the countries’ illegal and immoral treatment of its Palestinian neighbours.

I also am also a critic of that country’s abuse of Palestinian rights and humanity.

I am offended that you program seems to endorse the racist and bigoted policies of the Israeli government.

Please keep your viewers free of your political biases.


Robert Cromey

Thursday, July 02, 2020


Why are we so surprised that Russia tries to influence American politics? I’ll bet we pay for American spies to infiltrate Russia’s politics. What do you think the CIA does for a living?

Nations have spied upon each other since tribal days. Spies have always infiltrated each others lands. Political leaders have condoned nefarious ways of securing information from their opposition and other countries.

American presidents have condoned toppling elected leadership in Chile, Argentina and El Salvador. How self-righteous we can be?