Cromey Online

The writings of author, therapist, and priest Robert Warren Cromey.

Saturday, July 30, 2022


 I am making a resolution to cook one substantial item each week. Two weeks ago it was Gazpacho soup. It turned out well and we had it as part of three meals. Wednesday this week I made a Hungarian Mushroom soup. I adore mushrooms. The soup finishes with sour cream and lemon. Delish, enough for four courses. I got both recipes from Molly Katzen's Moosewood Cookbook. Who knows what exotic creation will emerge for next week?

I am disgusted and horrified by the headlines I read news on line. I do not watch any  TV so-called  news. The media has made awful, very terrible bad news entertainment. Media appeals to our lowest instincts for gratification. The intent of TV news is to stimulate emotions. Facts and news are after thoughts. I prefer to be stimulated by food, sex and fine stories. (He says self-righteously.)

I regard all human beings as depraved and gloriously good, all at the same time. I expect bad news all the time. Sadly media seldom shows us. good news, healing, art, music, joyous events and the happiness we all enjoy. I get that by being. thankful every day for the joyous wonders of my life. Ann, daughters, grandchildren, friends, health, money, music, writing and the peace we Americans live in most of the time.

Thursday, July 14, 2022

Russians are Human beings


How come we only get the bad news from Russia? There are human beings in that country. They raise chickens, have babies, eat, go to work and sleep. They love their children and elders. There is art music and culture. We never hear about those parts of the lives of our so-called enemies.

Putin and his government have invaded the Ukraine, a dastardly action. The soldiers kill, maim and destroy property. The people of Russia did not get to vote on the war. Russian military is full of young men drafted into service against their will.

I pray for the end of the war and the people of Russia.